Summer is definitely over and fall has arrived. A summary of the summer here at Hjellup Fjordbo shows that we have come a long way started renting out the holiday homes on Drivhussletta, after we finally got to open again on July 7th. Although we have not been fully booked, we have had a good number of visitors from home and abroad, and the feedback from the guests is only positive. In the latter half of August and now in September, we have seen a shift of guests from tourists from home and abroad to working people who are in the village for a shorter period in connection with industry, construction or service. In recent weeks, all the houses on Drivhussletta have been fully booked by workers on weekdays. We are also visited by tourists who drop by for a night or two, and this can be Norwegians, Swedes and people from all over Europe. At Grindaplassen the tourist season is not quite over yet, so we still have foreign guests here.
Every Sunday this summer we have held an open café at the Lighthouse House (service building) at Drivhussletta. Here there has been an opportunity for a tour of one of the rental houses. A little coffee, something to bite into and a pleasant chat has also tempted many to visit us. On good weather days, it was sometimes quite full both outside and inside our small café. Very nice!
In the late summer we set up a jacuzzi for our guests at Hjellup Fjordbo. It has been popular with some people who book accommodation with us. Feedback from a couple who used the jacuzzi on a moonlight evening was that we should advertise an infinity pool because that was how they experienced it when they sat in the bath and looked out over the fjord.
Otherwise, we have also got our own charging station for electric cars. This is apparently the only public charging station in the whole of Indre Fosen. So now there is no need to come to Leksvik to charge the batteries...